Stems rising from leafy clumps bear very fragrant flowers in summer; blooms resemble daffodils in having a center cup, but cup is surrounded by six slender, spidery segments. Deciduous species maintain foliage throughout summer if watered, then die back in fall. Plant in rich, well-drained soilin late fall or early winter in frostless areas, after frosts in other areas. Set bulbs with tips 1 inches below surface; space 1 feet apart. Deciduous sorts can be dug after foliage has yellowed (do not cut off fleshy roots), dried in an inverted position, and stored in open trays in a cool, dark, dry place. These are pest-free plants; deer, squirrels, and voles won't eat them.
Southern Spider Lily
Hymenocallis Caroliniana
- Deciduous.
- Zones US, MS, LS, CS; USDA 6-9.
- Native to swampy woodlands of Georgia, Indiana, and Louisiana.
- Each bulb produces as many as 12 deep green leaves 12 inches long, 12 inches wide.
- White flowers to 5 inches across appear in spring and summer, in clusters of two to seven.
- Multiplies rapidly.